英语话题 英语学习资源 英语微杂志


32019-01-09 15:01:16

1、That takes guts!

(something) takes guts 做某事需要勇气。Guts本意是内脏,引申为胆量。
Being a police officer takes guts, for sure.显然,当警察很需要勇气。

2、All right, so much for that one.

so much for (something) 人们放弃做一件事或努力泡汤的时候常说的话
It‘s already ten thirty? So much for getting an early start!
Oh no! He saw us? So much for keeping it a surprise.哦漏!他看见我们了?好吧,什么惊喜都没了。

3、We nailed it!

nailed it 圆满完成某件事,或说得完全正确。Nail本意是钉钉子。
That’s so true. He‘s nailed it.
Kill it也可以指事情完成得超乎意料地好。 Louise has been killing it! Louise干得漂亮!

4、I knew you’d give me a hard time about it!
give…a hard time about… 跟某人过不去、嘲笑某人、难为某人。
When I was growing up, the other kids used to give me a hard time because of my weight. But I just tried to ignore them.
Come on! Why do you have to give me a hard time about that? I told you: I had to work.  拜托,干嘛老拿这事儿跟我过不去,我都说了,我要工作了。

5、I couldn‘t agree more.
couldn’t agree more “不能更同意”,表示强烈同意对方的观点。强烈不同意也能说couldn‘t disagree more。
I think that this is a great opportunity. - I couldn’t agree more.-我觉得这是一个非常好的机会。 -完全赞同。

6、Just do it already!

Just… already! 赶紧的做某事!这个短语一般都是在抱怨对方反应太慢,表现一种不耐烦的态度。
I‘ve been hearing about this girl for weeks. Just ask her out already!我听你念叨这个姑娘已经好几周了,求你快约她吧!

7、Strangely enough, I just bought a bike.
strangely enough, … 遇到巧合或惊讶的事时的表达,可以翻译为真巧、真稀奇
Strangely enough, I just got a new job as well.真巧,我也刚找到一份新工作。

8、Could you give me a few pointers?
give someone pointers 给某人一些建议。Pointer指建议、提示、线索。
You’re not holding that quite right. Do you want me to give you a few pointers?你握的方式不太对,你要我给你一些建议吗?

9、Who are you to talk?

who... to talk? 表示某人没有资格发表意见或批评别人,因为他/她自己也做得不够好。
Who are you to talk? You’re just as messy as me.你有啥资格说我?你跟我一样邋遢。
He‘s so disorganized. But who am I to talk? I can’t even keep track of what day of the week it is.他超级迷糊。不过我也好不到哪去,我连今天是星期几都搞不清。

10、Is it just me, or is it hot in here?

Is it just me, or…? 这是一种委婉的抱怨,一般都是在看对方是否有同样的意见。
Is it just me, or are these seats even more cramped than normal?是只有我一个人这么觉得么,这个座位是不是比一般的更挤啊?

11、You bet!

you bet 意思是“You can bet money on that”(你可以压钱赌一把),说明你完全同意对方的观点、提议等。
-Are you coming to the party?趴体你会来吧?-You bet! 当然来!
-May I borrow your hammer? 可以借你的锤子用下么?-You bet! 当然!

12、Good thinking! That would be great.

good thinking 好主意,跟good idea同意。
-Why don’t we take a rest?我们休息一下吧?
- Good thinking.好主意。

13、It‘s way past your bedtime!

way past Way相当于“far”,这个表达是远远超过某个点的意思。
There’s no use apologizing now. We‘re way past that point.现在道歉已经没意义了。太晚了。(表示你绝对不会原谅他了……)
